One lane bridges over rivulets flowing into the ocean. The drive to North Shore was picturesque, laid-back and serene.
The Hanalei overlook is called 'a postcard waiting to happen'. Taro fields line the entire town at the base of the mountain. People were paddling down the river to meet the ocean on the other side. What a way to live - mountains on one side, beaches on the other!
We saw some beautiful churches built in the 18th century with volcanic rock.
While at the North Shore, we visited Princeville, a pristine rich area famous for its golf and sunsets. Nothing like a chilled out day soaking the sun at tunnels beach, famous for the sunriser shell- if you find one, it is said the island has welcomed you- as well as the Kahelelani shells. The necklaces made of these are sold for no less than $250- the shells are rare and the threading process is very involved.
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